ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) is known as a method that was first used in the 1980s to treat kidney stones, especially in the field of urology. With this therapy method, kidney stones are treated by breaking them down. Scientific research has shown that ESWT also has other benefits. ESWT treatment is widely used in physical therapy for chronic tendon problems and heel spur pain.
What is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)?
ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) is a treatment that uses powerful acoustic pulses, mostly used in the treatment of kidney stones, physical therapy and orthopedics.
By sending shock waves to the bone or soft tissue, it re-injures the area at the cellular level and offers healing opportunity to tendons and ligaments. Controlled re-injury of tissue allows the body to regenerate blood flow and bone cells. The resulting reperfusion enables faster recovery and often a return to pre-injury activity levels.

Does ESWT have side effects?
Li-ESWT has no side effects reported so far. In studies reporting short- or long-term results during patient follow-up, it is emphasized that the procedure is safe in terms of side effects. It can also be safely applied to people using blood thinners. There is no age limit.
For which patients is ESWT recommended?
Especially patients with mild or moderate vasculogenic erectile dysfunction
Peyronie’s disease
chronic prostatitis
For Eswt Shock Wave Therapy, first of all, an experienced urology doctorexamination is required.