Sexual Health Specialist - Consultancy
Sexual Health
Erectile Problems, Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Therapy, Couples Treatment, Penile Diseases, Genital Aesthetics, etc. We solve all your health problems!
Functional Medicine and Nutrition
We organize nutrition and lifestyle changes with a personalized approach and, when necessary, create the genetic and metabolic map of the person.
Working Hours
Weekdays10.30 - 18.00
Saturday10.30 - 18.00
North London: 6 High Road N22 6BX, UK
South London: 17 High Street Whitton, Twickenham, Richmond, TW2 7LA, UK

Urology Specialist
Prof. Dr. Ali AYYILDIZ
Urologist Prof. Dr. Ali Ayyıldız was born in Ordu/Ünye in 1962, is married and has two daughters. You can find information about Educational Status, Institutions Worked, Diplomas, Scientific Publications in his CV.
- Educational Status
- 1992 Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine / Bursa
- 1985 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine / Ankara
- 1979 Ünye High School / Ordu
- 1976 Ünye Secondary School / Ordu
- 1973 Ünye Cumhuriyet Primary School / Ordu